Parinirvana — A Special Aryaloka 40th Anniversary Event

Parinirvana — A Special Aryaloka 40th Anniversary Event; Feb 1, 12:30-4

Parinirvana is the annual observance of the death, or Final Nirvana, of the Buddha, and is one of the major days of reflection on the Buddhist calendar. It's an opportunity to reflect upon the final days of the Buddha, and the great matters of Enlightenment and Death. It is also a time when we remember those we've lost, and reflect upon the impact of impermanence in our own lives and communities. 

The day will begin with a vegetarian pot luck lunch (please bring a vegetarian dish to share if you can) and include meditation, readings, chanting and time to be together. As part of Aryaloka’s 40th anniversary celebrations, there will be a special remembrance of sangha members that have passed, a talk on the history of the stupa, and the installation of an ancestor shrine.

Feel free to bring a photo of a loved one who has passed in the last year or so, to be placed on the Parinirvana shrine. 

12:30  Vegetarian Potluck lunch
1:45    Welcome and Remarks about Parinirvana    
2:00    The Story of the Aryaloka Stupa                                              
2:45    Remembrance of Ancestors and Dedication of Ancestor Shrine                                             
3:15    Meditation and Puja 
4:00    End

Please join us for this moving and historic event.


February 1st, 2025 from 12:30 PM to  4:00 PM
14 Heartwood Circle
Newmarket, NH 03857
United States
Phone: 603-659-5456