
Directions by Bus:

C&J Trailways offers bus service to Portsmouth, NH from Portland, ME and downtown Boston (South Station), and Logan Airport. You can reach them at (800) 258-7111. From the bus station in Portsmouth, you may take a taxi or car service to Aryaloka.

Directions by Train:

Amtrak's Downeaster line offers rail service between Boston's North Station and Portland Maine. The stops closest to Aryaloka are Durham and Exeter NH. You can reach Amtrak at (800)-USA-RAIL. 

Directions by Air:

  • Manchester Airport (Manchester NH) is 1 hour away by car (see By Car directions below). Public transportation, other than renting a car, gets a little tricky from Manchester. It is much easier from Logan/Boston if you are flying in.
  • Logan Airport (Boston MA) is 1¼ hours away by car (see By Car directions below). You can also take a bus (C&J Trailways at (800) 258-7111) directly from Logan Airport to Portsmouth, NH. 

Directions by Car

Our address is 14 Heartwood Circle, Newmarket NH 03857

If your car has GPS navigation, you can set it to Aryaloka's coordinates which are 19T 4769969 340326 and 84 meters elevation.

From Durham, NH:

  1. Take Route 108 South to Newmarket and go through the town center.
  2. Bear right onto Route 152 at the flashing light. Follow Route 152 for about 3/4 mile. You will pass Newmarket Jr./Sr. High School on your left.
  3. Turn left at the sign for Grant Road.
  4. After 0.85 miles, take the next left onto Shady Lane (which is your third left after turning onto Grant Road; if you reach Ash Swamp Road, you've already passed Shady Lane).
  5. Shady Lane becomes Heartwood Circle (a small one-way circle). Go three quarters of the way around the circle, and turn right at the wooden Aryaloka sign. (The geodesic dome you see at the top of our driveway is not Aryaloka.)
  6. Continue down the long driveway to the end. Park in one of the parking lots in front of or beside the twin geodesic domes.

From points North and Northwest (Concord, NH):

  1. Take Route 4 East from Concord, heading toward Portsmouth and the Seacoast.
  2. Stay on Route 4 until you reach the Lee traffic circle and Rte 125.
  3. Take Route 125 South until you reach Route 152. Turn left onto Route 152.
  4. Stay on Route 152, noting but not taking the intersection with Route 155. From this intersection, go 2.2 miles further to Ash Swamp Road.
  5. Turn right on Ash Swamp Road and continue for 1.6 miles until you come to the first Stop sign. Turn left at the Stop sign onto Grant Road.
  6. Continue on Grant Road for just 0.3 miles, and take the next right onto Shady Lane.
  7. Shady Lane becomes Heartwood Circle (a small one-way circle). Go three quarters of the way around the circle, and turn right at the wooden Aryaloka sign. (The geodesic dome you see at the top of our driveway is not Aryaloka.)
  8. Continue down the long driveway to the end. Park in one of the parking lots in front of or beside the twin geodesic domes.

From points West (Manchester, NH, Manchester Airport):

  1. From the airport, take the airport exit and follow the signs to Routes 93 and 101E. Continue to follow signs for Route 101E which, for a time, will also be 293S.
  2. If you are coming from Manchester, pick up the directions from here. Get on Route 101E and continue to Exit 7 (about a 25 minute drive).
  3. Take Exit 7 and go north on Route 125 for 1.8 miles, where you'll see a traffic light.
  4. At the light, turn right onto Old Hedding Road.
  5. Follow Old Hedding Road for .9 miles until you reach a stop sign.
  6. Turn right and continue for .5 miles. Just past the bridge, take your first left onto Jacob's Well Road.
  7. Follow this road for 3.7 miles, until you come to an intersection with four-way stop signs. Go straight through the intersection.
  8. Continue for just 0.3 miles past the intersection, and take the next right onto Shady Lane.
  9. Shady Lane becomes Heartwood Circle (a small one-way circle). Go three quarters of the way around the circle, and turn right at the wooden Aryaloka sign. (The geodesic dome you see at the top of our driveway is not Aryaloka.)
  10. Continue down the long driveway to the end. Park in one of the parking lots in front of or beside the twin geodesic domes.

From points South (Boston, MA):

  1. From Boston, take either Route 93 North or Route 1 North to Route 128/95 North. Continue on 95 North into New Hampshire.
  2. Once in New Hampshire, take Exit 2 just before Hampton toll plaza. Go through the tolls at the exit and take the right fork onto Route 101 West toward Exeter.
  3. Stay on 101 for 3.7 miles, then take exit 11 onto Route 33/108 North toward Portsmouth.
  4. After about 2.2 miles, you'll come to a big traffic circle. Bear left (going into the circle), and then exit the circle onto Route 108 North toward Newmarket.
  5. At 1.8 miles past the traffic circle you'll pass a Shell Gas station on your right and a Dunkin' Donuts on your left as landmarks. Shortly after that, the road descends a hill. At the base of the hill, at 2.4 miles, you'll come to Seacoast Sports Club on your right. Turn left directly opposite the Club onto Ash Swamp Road/Old Route 108.
  6. Follow the 90° turn to the right, then continue on Ash Swamp for about 2 miles until you come to the first Stop sign. Turn right at the Stop sign onto Grant Road.
  7. Continue on Grant Road for just 0.3 miles, and take the next right onto Shady Lane.
  8. Shady Lane becomes Heartwood Circle (a small one-way circle). Go three quarters of the way around the circle, and turn right at the wooden Aryaloka sign.(The geodesic dome you see at the top of our driveway is not Aryaloka.)
  9. Continue down the long driveway to the end. Park in one of the parking lots in front of or beside the twin geodesic domes.

From points Northeast (Maine):

  1. Take Route I-95 South into New Hampshire. Take Exit 3-B (sign says to Greenland and Stratham). At the traffic lights at the end of the exit, take a left onto Route 33 West toward Exeter.
  2. Continue about 5 miles — during this stretch you'll go through 3 traffic lights, pass NH Technical College on the right and Stratham Hill Park on your left. When you come to the traffic lights, turn right onto Squamscott Road.
  3. Continue on Squamscott Road (about 1 mile) and turn right at the end onto Stay on Route 108 until you come to Seacoast Sports Clubs on the right (you'll pass a Shell Gas station and cross a small railroad bridge just before it). Turn left directly opposite the Club onto Ash Swamp Road/Old Route 108.
  4. Follow the 90° turn to the right, then continue on Ash Swamp for about 2 miles until you come to the first Stop sign. Turn right at the Stop sign onto Grant Road.
  5. Continue on Grant Road for just 0.3 miles, and take the next right onto Shady Lane.
  6. Shady Lane becomes Heartwood Circle (a small one-way circle). Go three quarters of the way around the circle, and turn right at the wooden Aryaloka sign. (The geodesic dome you see at the top of our driveway is not Aryaloka.)
  7. Continue down the long driveway to the end. Park in one of the parking lots in front of or beside the twin geodesic domes.