About Your Visit to Aryaloka

Please consult the information listed below regarding the type of event you are attending.

For All Events

Cell Phones and Devices: At Aryaloka we intend to create a supportive and friendly space for reflection, meditation, yoga, study, and the experience of spiritual community. We keep our environment as simple as possible to foster a contemplative atmosphere.

We do have WiFi, yet we suggest that its use be kept to a minimum, if at all, so that you may experience the full benefit of the event you are attending. Please only use cell phones at the far edge of the parking lot if necessary. Retreat leaders may have specific recommendations regarding the use of devices.

Shoes: We ask that people do not wear outside shoes in the buildings at Aryaloka unless they are medically necessary. This is mainly to keep the space clean. You may bring a pair of indoor shoes or slippers. In the winter we recommend wearing warm socks. We ask that indoor shoes and slippers are not worn in the shrine room unless medically necessary.

For Tuesday Friends’ Nights

Friends’ Nights at Aryaloka are from 6:45-8:45pm every Tuesday, unless the center is closed for retreat (check the calendar to be sure). We generally gather for announcements at 6:45, meditate at 7, and then explore Buddhist topics in small groups. Although there is no registration fee for this event, a $5–$15 donation per class is suggested. Newcomers are welcome.

For more on Friends’ Nights, see a full description here.

For Classes and Workshops

Classes and workshops are typically held on a weekend day or in a series of evening sessions. Weekend classes longer than four hours include a vegetarian lunch. Details regarding specific classes can be found by clicking on the event in our calendar.

For Retreats

Overnight retreats can be a weekend or longer.

Instructors for classes and retreats are experienced teachers and members of the Triratna Buddhist Order, who have dedicated their lives to the practice of the Buddha’s teachings.

For weekend retreats, dinner is included on Friday evening. Dinner will generally be ready by 6pm. You may arrive anytime after 5pm. If you need to arrive earlier, please contact the office at info@aryaloka.org.

Retreat participants can expect to engage in some of the shared work of the retreat including meal clean-up and tidying at the end of the retreat. Longer retreats usually have a mid-week clean-up period.

We provide:

  • Healthy vegan meals; we cater for allergies; both dairy and non-dairy options are available.
  • Meditation equipment – mats, cushions, benches, chairs, and blankets; feel free to bring your own favorite gear if you like.
  • Shared bedrooms for overnight stays, two beds per room (separate rooms for men and women, though it's OK for couples and friends of all genders to share rooms if they choose); single rooms may be available upon request. In the aftermath of the pandemic, many people receive single rooms. All shared rooms have air purifiers.
  • Blankets, comforters, pillows, towels and facecloths; if you tend to run cold, please bring an extra blanket in the winter.
  • Shared bathrooms

We recommend that you bring:

  • Warm socks, slippers, or other indoor shoes
  • Toiletries
  • Casual, comfortable clothing
  • Writing materials for taking notes
  • Flashlight
  • Insect repellent, sunscreen, mud boots, snow boots, snow shoes or other seasonal outdoor items. Tenting is an option at Aryaloka – please let us know if you plan on it.
  • A yoga mat and any yoga props that you need if you are attending a yoga retreat or plan to practice yoga while on retreat.

For Festival Days

Buddhist festival days are held throughout the year.  We observe:

  • Buddha Day (Full moon of May), a celebration of both the Buddha’s birthday and his Enlightenment
  • Dharma Day (Full moon of July), a time to focus on the Buddha’s teachings
  • Sangha Day (Full moon of November), a celebration of spiritual community
  • Parinirvana Day (The 15th of February), commemorating the Buddha’s final passing.
  • Triratna Day (Early April), celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community

See the calendar for specific dates and details.

Aryaloka Cancellation Policy

If a cancellation is made 11 days or more in advance (counting the start date of the event), the deposit will be refunded minus an administrative fee of $25, or the whole fee can be transferred to a future event. If the cancellation is made within 10 days or less of the event, the whole fee can be transferred to a future event, or half the fee will be refunded. If there is a no-show for an event without cancellation prior to the start time of the event, no refund will be made. Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Center Manager who can be contacted at info@aryaloka.org. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know which events to attend?

Open to all – Everyone is welcome to participate – newcomers through experienced practitioners. Instruction is offered unless otherwise stated. 
Introductory – No prior experience is necessary for introductory events at Aryaloka. The focus of introductory events is on one or more areas of practice including mindfulness, meditation, ethics and basic Buddhism. 
Experienced – Prior practice of Buddhism and a familiarity with Buddhist meditation practices such as the mindfulness of breathing and loving-kindness meditations are necessary. These events are suitable for newly established practitioners as well as those with more extensive experience. 
Order Member Event – These events are only for ordained members of the Triratna Buddhist Order. 
Order Member & Mitra Event –These events are only for mitras and ordained members of the Triratna Buddhist Order.

Do I need to be a Buddhist to come to Friends’ Night?

One does not need to be a Buddhist to come to Friends’ Night.

Do I need to register for all events?

You do not need to sign up for Friends’ Night or festival days. Registration is required in advance for classes/workshops and retreats.

Can I commute during overnight retreats rather than stay at Aryaloka? Can I come late to a retreat or leave early? Can I arrive a day early or stay a day later?

The answers to these questions may be different depending on the retreat. Please email info@aryaloka.org to ask about specific events. We do our best to accommodate the needs of individuals without compromising the peace of the retreat.

Can I have a schedule of the retreat in advance?

It is usually not possible to provide schedules in advance since they vary from retreat to retreat. Retreats generally have a schedule of meditation or teaching/discussion sessions with meals and free-time. Specific retreats will have different practices such as the practice of silence on Noble Silence retreats, or yoga practice on yoga retreats.

How do I get to Aryaloka?

Please visit our directions page. If you are flying, the best option is to use Logan Airport in Boston, MA and bus service to Portsmouth, NH on C&J Trailways. Car services and taxis can be taken from the bus station to Aryaloka. More information on air, bus, or train travel can be found on the directions page.