Aryaloka News

New Class for Women: Dancing with your Dark Side

Dancing with your Dark Side
An experimental, experiential opportunity for women, offering a path toward greater integration.

We all have a dark ( or shadow) side which keeps the icky bits hidden from view, but it is important for true integration to befriend those parts, bring them into the light and honor their presence.

Through meditation, journaling, sharing life stories, discussion, confession, collaging  and other expressive arts, we can explore all parts of ourselves in a safe and supportive environment.

When: Wednesdays, 1:30 to 3:30, October 9 - November 20, 2024
(a commitment for the full 7 weeks is requested)
Where: Aryaloka, in person only

Three New Dharmacarinis!

Dear friends
We are delighted to announce that 3 Dharmacarini Ordinations took place at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday 7th September. 

(left to right)
Nancy Artz becomes Drdhajyoti (dot under r)
'She who is a firm, strong and steady light'
registered spelling Dridhajyoti
Private Preceptor Dharmasuri
Public Preceptor Amala

Rohini Shah becomes Sukhamaya (long final a)
'She who is full of happiness and joy'
Registered spelling Sukhamaya
Private Preceptor Dharmasuri
Public Preceptor Ashokashri

Laura Rivchun becomes Karunamala (dot under n, each a except first is long)
'She who is garlanded with compassion'
Registered spelling Karunamala
Private Preceptor Padmadharini
Public Preceptor Amala

sadhu sadhu sadhu!!!

Amala and Ashokashri

Zoom Attendance for Ordinations Sept 7

You are invited online on Zoom to witness three ordinations; *in-person attendance is full.

We are very pleased to announce that the following three women will be publicly ordained at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday, September 7 at 11:30 am ET.  

Nancy Artz from Portland, Maine
Laura Rivchun from New York City, New York
Rohini Shah from Richmond, Virginia 

Their Public Preceptors are Ashokashri and Amala. The three women will be privately ordained on a retreat between August 24 and September 5. Their private preceptors are Padmadharini and Dharmasuri.    

Attend this event live on Zoom

We have now identified the statue in Aryaloka’s foyer!

The statue or rupa in Aryaloka’s foyer has been a bit of a mystery. It was donated to us by Neil Harvey after he had rescued it from a clearance warehouse, and was ritually installed in the foyer on a men’s retreat in the summer of 2019. At the time we did not know which Buddha or Bodhisattva the statue represented, and we assumed it was perhaps a form of Avalokitesvara. Image searches and consults with knowledgeable people provided no clarity. In the summer of 2024 while Suddhayu was staying at Adhisthana in England, he noticed that there was an image hanging in the shrine room at Urgyen House that seemed familiar. Urgyen House is the building in which Bhante Sangharakshita’s rooms are preserved, and serves as a small museum for various artifacts associated with Sangharakshita and the history of Triratna. Upon repeated viewing, Suddhayu recognized the image as having a similar form to Aryaloka’s statue!

New Buddhist Recovery Meeting in Portsmouth

Monday evenings, 7-8:30 at 73 Court St (upstairs), Portsmouth NH

The Portsmouth Buddhist Center is offering  a weekly Buddhist Recovery Group at 73 Court Street, Portsmouth, NH. The time will be Mondays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The meetings will be facilitated by Dharmasukta, an order member in the Triratna Buddhist Community and a person in long term recovery. 

The Buddhist Recovery meetings will focus on Buddhist teachings, traditions and practices that can be helpful to people recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. There will be an emphasis on meditation practice, ethics, waking up and transforming unskillful behaviors. These are not 12-Step meetings, but we will see how the steps can be understood from a Buddhist perspective.

Our 2024 Pledge Drive and NH Gives June 11-12

NH Gives – 24 Hours of Giving starts next week! 
Next week we wrap up the pledge drive with NH Gives, a 24-hour wave of generosity that starts at 5 pm June 11 until 5 pm June 12. Your gift to this special appeal may be matched in that giving window, so watch here for those details. Click here to give on June 11 or 12, 5pm to 5pm.

Express your gratitude for the Dharma with your pledge today—
Aryaloka’s annual spring pledge drive is in its third week. Thanks to the generous support of many Sangha members, Aryaloka offers the Dharma to all who come to our center — virtually or in person. Some 90 Sangha members currently pledge their regular support to Aryaloka. 

Our Current Art Exhibit by Dustan Knight

Searching for the Sacred

An exhibition of work by Dustan Knight, April 14 to June 4. The opening reception will be on April 14 from 3-5pm. All are welcome.

DUSTAN KNIGHT is a professional artist (MFA/Pratt Institute & MA/Boston University in Art History)(UCLA-Summer)(TA AcademyRome/Pratt)
Knight works in an intuitive, process style that pushes her materials and depends on her many years of visual study and creative experience to achieve her signature looseness and dramatic color exchanges. Lyrical movement and elegant composition are consistent elements of her artistic vocabulary.

Viewings every Tuesday between 5 and 6:30pm or by appointment. Email to make an appointment. 

Our New Fridge and Lighting: The Fruits of 2023 Fundraising

Our end-of-year fundraising in 2023 was for a new fridge and new lighting. We're happy to report that the new fridge is in operation and that the new lighting has been installed! The fridge has really improved the kitchen functionality and user-friendliness.
Next time you visit Aryaloka, be sure to notice the new lighting in the yoga room. It is much easier on the eyes, and the track lighting offers a versatility for the display of art that we have not had before. On display now are works by Dustan Knight of Portsmouth. Her work will be up until late May and you can view it Tuesdays between 5-6:30pm or by appointment. 

As always, thank you to all who contribute to the support of Aryaloka!