Aryaloka News

Resources for Black History Month

As part of Black History Month 2025, we'll be posting content from Black Buddhists in Triratna and the larger Buddhist world. All links that we post on social media will be added here as a resource. We'll be updating this page throughout the month.

• Suryagupta (London Buddhist Center) in conversation with Jan Willis:

Jan Willis,(who Time Magazine named as one of six spiritual innovators for the new millennium), in conversation with Suryagupta for a fascinating exploration of Buddhism and spiritual friendship across the ages,  traditions and cultures. 

Lost and Found Pick Up and Shoe Label by end of November

We have many lost and found items that are currently in the mud room at Aryaloka. This includes coats for cold weather that could be useful to someone in need. Please claim any lost items by the end of November and anything left we will give away. Also, please write your initials on the bottom of any shoes/slippers that you leave at Aryaloka. If you'd prefer not to write on the sole, we have a sharpie and sticky notes that you can use. Unidentified shoes/slippers will be also be given away. If you can't make it to the center, contact Suddhayu at and we can label or try to identify a lost item for you. Thanks!

Aryaloka Gift Certificates — Give the Gift of Personal Transformation!

As we move into Aryaloka’s 40th year, let’s celebrate each other with the gift of growth and transformation!

What do you give someone who is looking for deeper meaning in their life? What do you give someone who is interested in learning how to meditate, or to practice mindfulness more fully? What do you give someone who intentionally has few possessions and would rather not acquire more? 

Give them a means of personal transformation — give them opportunity for meditation practice, yoga, retreat or Dharma study. Aryaloka has a full program of events that would make ideal gifts for practicing Buddhists, yogins or for those that are curious about Buddhism, meditation and yoga.

Standard gift certificate amounts are listed below, though any amount is possible.

Half-day workshop $60
Full-day workshop or retreat $95
Weekend retreat $340
Long-weekend retreat $390

Three New Dharmacarinis!

Dear friends
We are delighted to announce that 3 Dharmacarini Ordinations took place at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday 7th September. 

(left to right)
Nancy Artz becomes Drdhajyoti (dot under r)
'She who is a firm, strong and steady light'
registered spelling Dridhajyoti
Private Preceptor Dharmasuri
Public Preceptor Amala

Rohini Shah becomes Sukhamaya (long final a)
'She who is full of happiness and joy'
Registered spelling Sukhamaya
Private Preceptor Dharmasuri
Public Preceptor Ashokashri

Laura Rivchun becomes Karunamala (dot under n, each a except first is long)
'She who is garlanded with compassion'
Registered spelling Karunamala
Private Preceptor Padmadharini
Public Preceptor Amala

sadhu sadhu sadhu!!!

Amala and Ashokashri

Zoom Attendance for Ordinations Sept 7

You are invited online on Zoom to witness three ordinations; *in-person attendance is full.

We are very pleased to announce that the following three women will be publicly ordained at Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Saturday, September 7 at 11:30 am ET.  

Nancy Artz from Portland, Maine
Laura Rivchun from New York City, New York
Rohini Shah from Richmond, Virginia 

Their Public Preceptors are Ashokashri and Amala. The three women will be privately ordained on a retreat between August 24 and September 5. Their private preceptors are Padmadharini and Dharmasuri.    

Attend this event live on Zoom

We have now identified the statue in Aryaloka’s foyer!

The statue or rupa in Aryaloka’s foyer has been a bit of a mystery. It was donated to us by Neil Harvey after he had rescued it from a clearance warehouse, and was ritually installed in the foyer on a men’s retreat in the summer of 2019. At the time we did not know which Buddha or Bodhisattva the statue represented, and we assumed it was perhaps a form of Avalokitesvara. Image searches and consults with knowledgeable people provided no clarity. In the summer of 2024 while Suddhayu was staying at Adhisthana in England, he noticed that there was an image hanging in the shrine room at Urgyen House that seemed familiar. Urgyen House is the building in which Bhante Sangharakshita’s rooms are preserved, and serves as a small museum for various artifacts associated with Sangharakshita and the history of Triratna. Upon repeated viewing, Suddhayu recognized the image as having a similar form to Aryaloka’s statue!

New Buddhist Recovery Meeting in Portsmouth

Monday evenings, 7-8:30 at 73 Court St (upstairs), Portsmouth NH

The Portsmouth Buddhist Center is offering  a weekly Buddhist Recovery Group at 73 Court Street, Portsmouth, NH. The time will be Mondays from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. The meetings will be facilitated by Dharmasukta, an order member in the Triratna Buddhist Community and a person in long term recovery. 

The Buddhist Recovery meetings will focus on Buddhist teachings, traditions and practices that can be helpful to people recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. There will be an emphasis on meditation practice, ethics, waking up and transforming unskillful behaviors. These are not 12-Step meetings, but we will see how the steps can be understood from a Buddhist perspective.