Aryaloka News

Be a Part of Aryaloka's Mandala of Supporting Friends!

“...everyone present gives to create an effective environment for Dharma practice and the development of spiritual community at Aryaloka — we’re all here because we care about each other, we care about Aryaloka, and we care about everyone who hasn’t yet walked through the doors. We care about those who will walk through the doors after we have passed.” excerpt from a recent talk by Suddhayu

It is a joy to see the new life of spring emerging in Aryaloka’s gardens, forest and river; it is a joy to welcome our sangha back to in-person gatherings, workshops and retreats!

With the spring comes Aryaloka’s annual pledge drive. Thanks to the generosity of people like you, giving in the pledge drive was again strong in 2021 with more than $40,000 in gifts from nearly 100 donors. If you have pledged or given your support, thank you! We can only do this with your help.  

Buddhist Life Hacks for Your 20s

Dear Friends, 

Join us this Saturday for "Buddhist Life Hacks for your 20s", hosted by Young Triratna Buddhists, Feb 5th, 11am-12:30pm

Over the next five months we'll look at five key principles to live your life by. This month we'll look at “Love and Inclusivity” - how to live with an open heart in a divided world.

We hope to see you there. And please bring your friends!
Maxo, Sam, Thomas and Ananta

Aryaloka's Year-end Appeal

Aryaloka's shrine room

Dear Friend ,

At the beginning of 2021 Aryaloka was still physically empty as our sangha continued to engage and grow on Zoom. We held six online retreats of varying length and hosted many people in the solitary cabin and Akashaloka for personal retreats. Our Tuesday Friends’ Evenings continued online as a weekly opportunity for the sangha to gather and practice together.

In July we began holding in-person and hybrid activities at Aryaloka. We have had a welcome home weekend, two yoga and meditation weekends, Shantimukta’s ordination retreat, a ten-day women’s training-for-ordination retreat, a week-long Zen rental and a week-long Noble Silence Retreat. Most of these events were fully booked, and all of them were run with covid related precautions. We also resumed weekly outdoor or screen-porch meditations, as well as Sangha Hikes.

Giving Tuesday and End-of-Year Appeal — A Message from Amala

Dear friend of Aryaloka, 

Happy Autumn to you. May your harvests be bountiful and your reasons for gratitude be many. 

As I write this, I have the good fortune to be at Aryaloka. I am enjoying the quiet care of Suddhayu and Lona Kovacs as they cook for us on the Noble Silence meditation retreat. I am taking lessons from the gently moving water in the river that winds at the foot of the Center’s beautiful grounds. I hear the sounds of raking as retreatants offer their energy for an hour after lunch. Our facilities, while simple, are comfortable and ideal for what we do: study, practice, and realize the Buddhadharma. 

Buddhist Life Hacks for Your 20s

Buddhist Life Hacks for Your 20s is a new initiative led by young Triratna Buddhists! We offer classes by young people for young people. Beginners are welcome!

If you're in your 20s or early 30s, this is a great way to discover meditation and find out more about the teaching of the Buddha in a way that's relevant to your life, right here and now. Join us every first Saturday of the month over zoom. Our classes start with meditation and are followed by a talk from an experienced Buddhist and breakout groups to foster conversation and friendship building.

Register here!


The Passing of Kavyadrishti: Memorial Update

Update: You can join Kavyadrishti's memorial service on Zoom by clicking here, Dec 4th, 2pm.

I am writing in memory of my friend, Kavyadrishti, who died on November 4, 2021, at the age of 86. She first came to Aryaloka in 1989 and was ordained in 2012 into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Her Preceptor, Karunadevi, gave her the name Kavyadrishti, Sanskrit words meaning she who has the vision of a sage or poet.

Kavyadrishti was a thoughtful and kind friend. She made her famous strawberry pie for my birthday, often sent me pictures of flowers and shared her amazing poems and writings. She invited friends to her home for discussion and viewing videos of Buddhist topics, concerts and social issues. And, of course, there was The Pie.

Shantimukta is Ordained!

I am pleased to announce that Denise Martin of Vermont USA had her Public Ordination at Aryaloka Retreat Center in New Hampshire on Saturday, October 9, 2021, after a small 8 day retreat.  

She becomes Shantimukta, “She who is freed through peace.”
Her private preceptor is Sunada and her public is Karunadevi.

Sanskrit Pronunciation:
The ś  as in “sharp”
Each ā  as in “father” 
The i is short as in “hit” 
The u is short as in “put”

This is the last of 5 ordinations that have taken place in the USA since April.

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!
With metta, 


Our First In-Person Retreat in Over a Year a Great Success!

We did it! Our first in-person (and hybrid!) retreat since March of 2020! 17 of us gathered in person, with 2 more on Zoom. We were able to confidently do this, knowing that all participants had been vaccinated, and enjoying the added security of our air purifiers, which we received a grant from Future Dharma to purchase. 

It felt great to be on retreat again; it truly felt like coming home. More events will be posted soon on our website!

Join the Aryaloka Tech Team!

As Aryaloka begins to hold in-person events again, we will be providing an online Zoom option for those who cannot attend in-person. This will apply to most retreats and classes, including our weekly Tuesday Friends’ Evening (which is not in-person yet). Our community has been enriched by the people who found us online for the first time during the pandemic, and our culture of how we gather has become multi-faceted.