Aryaloka News

Summer Reading Circles Explore Race

Summer Reading Circles

Would you like to read a transformational book about race, by a Buddhist author, over the summer? 

We’re offering opportunities to explore two wonderful works, within supportive online Reading Circles with other Triratna sangha members. And at the end of each cycle, the authors will join us for a conversation!

June & July: ‘The Race Conversation’ by Eugene Ellis is a deeply compassionate book that illuminates why having conversations about race can be difficult, and how we can have more healing encounters with each other on this issue.  Subhuti described the book as ‘ground-breaking’. The author is a mitra and therapist based in the UK.

Dharmasukta's Thoughts on Giving

Thanks to the generous support of many Sangha members, Aryaloka offers the Dharma freely to all who come to our center – virtually or in person. Some 100 Sangha members currently pledge their regular support to Aryaloka. Will you join them? 

Will you pledge your support and become part of the Mandala of Supporting Friends?

Their generosity is fueled by many reasons. Dharmasukta, one order member, offers his reasons for giving:

Bridge Repair Along the Piscassic River

A small but enthusiastic team including Craig, Frank, Paul and myself (Suddhayu) spent a day working on the small bridges at the base of the hill next to the Piscassic River. 

Paul had a plan and some reclaimed wood, and the rest of us provided the labor. We were able to level and replace old wood on the longest bridge, which is presently flanked by beautiful marsh marigolds. We also lengthened and stabilized one of the shorter bridges that often gets displaced during flood season.

It was wonderful to spend time in the forest along the river with friends, to see the new leaves forming on the trees and the birds flitting through the wild roses and bamboo. We will have another bridge repair and path maintenance day on May 29th after 9:30am — all are welcome!

What’s Going on Along the Driveway?

If you’ve recently been down Aryaloka’s winding driveway, you’ll have noticed that there are several large trees that have been felled and now lie in piles along the side of the driveway. The trees had to be taken down in order to install new utility poles. 

Just over a year ago, the garbage truck hit some of the lower hanging phone lines. This resulted in a pause of our trash collection, and a year of phone conversations with three different utility companies to arrange for the lifting of the lines. Basically, neither the phone or the cable company could lift their lines unless the electric lines could also be lifted, and in order for the electric lines to be lifted, we needed taller poles.

Lona, in her service as Assistant Manager, spent hours and hours on the phone with all three companies until finally the project was complete — the garbage truck can now access the dumpster! All of this happened at no cost to Aryaloka.

Lona Kovacs to be Ordained this Summer


Farewell to Lona, who is leaving this week for a three month ordination retreat at Akashavana in the mountains of Spain! Lona will be ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order along with 17 other women. 

Organizing one’s life to be away for three months is quite a feat, and she could only do it because of the generosity of friends and family. Thanks to all who have supported her in this journey!

Ordination is a deeply meaningful initiation in one’s spiritual life. It signifies a vital commitment to transforming oneself on the Buddhist Path, and an entrance into a community of support with others who are giving expression to the same ideals.

She’ll be returning to us in late July (with a new name!) to resume her work at Aryaloka as kitchen manager and volunteer coordinator. 

Join us in wishing her health, safety and inspiration on her mythic journey!

Be a Part of Aryaloka's Mandala of Supporting Friends!

“...everyone present gives to create an effective environment for Dharma practice and the development of spiritual community at Aryaloka — we’re all here because we care about each other, we care about Aryaloka, and we care about everyone who hasn’t yet walked through the doors. We care about those who will walk through the doors after we have passed.” excerpt from a recent talk by Suddhayu

It is a joy to see the new life of spring emerging in Aryaloka’s gardens, forest and river; it is a joy to welcome our sangha back to in-person gatherings, workshops and retreats!

With the spring comes Aryaloka’s annual pledge drive. Thanks to the generosity of people like you, giving in the pledge drive was again strong in 2021 with more than $40,000 in gifts from nearly 100 donors. If you have pledged or given your support, thank you! We can only do this with your help.  

Buddhist Life Hacks for Your 20s

Dear Friends, 

Join us this Saturday for "Buddhist Life Hacks for your 20s", hosted by Young Triratna Buddhists, Feb 5th, 11am-12:30pm

Over the next five months we'll look at five key principles to live your life by. This month we'll look at “Love and Inclusivity” - how to live with an open heart in a divided world.

We hope to see you there. And please bring your friends!
Maxo, Sam, Thomas and Ananta

Aryaloka's Year-end Appeal

Aryaloka's shrine room

Dear Friend ,

At the beginning of 2021 Aryaloka was still physically empty as our sangha continued to engage and grow on Zoom. We held six online retreats of varying length and hosted many people in the solitary cabin and Akashaloka for personal retreats. Our Tuesday Friends’ Evenings continued online as a weekly opportunity for the sangha to gather and practice together.

In July we began holding in-person and hybrid activities at Aryaloka. We have had a welcome home weekend, two yoga and meditation weekends, Shantimukta’s ordination retreat, a ten-day women’s training-for-ordination retreat, a week-long Zen rental and a week-long Noble Silence Retreat. Most of these events were fully booked, and all of them were run with covid related precautions. We also resumed weekly outdoor or screen-porch meditations, as well as Sangha Hikes.

Giving Tuesday and End-of-Year Appeal — A Message from Amala

Dear friend of Aryaloka, 

Happy Autumn to you. May your harvests be bountiful and your reasons for gratitude be many. 

As I write this, I have the good fortune to be at Aryaloka. I am enjoying the quiet care of Suddhayu and Lona Kovacs as they cook for us on the Noble Silence meditation retreat. I am taking lessons from the gently moving water in the river that winds at the foot of the Center’s beautiful grounds. I hear the sounds of raking as retreatants offer their energy for an hour after lunch. Our facilities, while simple, are comfortable and ideal for what we do: study, practice, and realize the Buddhadharma.