Summer Reading Circles Explore Race
Summer Reading Circles
Would you like to read a transformational book about race, by a Buddhist author, over the summer?
We’re offering opportunities to explore two wonderful works, within supportive online Reading Circles with other Triratna sangha members. And at the end of each cycle, the authors will join us for a conversation!
June & July: ‘The Race Conversation’ by Eugene Ellis is a deeply compassionate book that illuminates why having conversations about race can be difficult, and how we can have more healing encounters with each other on this issue. Subhuti described the book as ‘ground-breaking’. The author is a mitra and therapist based in the UK.
August & Sept: ‘Black Buddhists and the Black Radical Tradition’ by Dr. Rima Vesely-Flad draws out the specific approaches to Buddhist doctrine, practice and ritual emerging from the thriving multi-lineage movement of Black Buddhists in the US. The fruit of years of ethnographic study, this book offers precious insights for anyone exploring cultural competency in Dharma teaching and committed to liberation and the flourishing of multi-racial sanghas.
The Reading Circles will meet weekly on Sundays via zoom, for 90 mins, starting at 20:00 UK & IE | US PST 12:00 | Mexico 14:00 | US EST 15:00 | Europe CET 20.30 | New Zealand 07.00 (Monday)
This initiative is a collaboration of the Triratna (white) Awareness is Revolutionary collective, and members of the Triratna BIPOC/BAME community. Most of our time will be spent in racial affinity groups (see FAQ for more info on these), and there will also be opportunities to all gather together.
For more information, discount codes to purchase the books, and to register -