Support Aryaloka
With open-handed generosity, I purify my body
– The Second Precept
Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression.
– The Buddha
Give the Gift of Freedom
Aryaloka seeks to make the Dharma accessible to all. Our sliding scale program allows for folks of varying economic capacity to participate in our programs – no one is turned away for lack of finances.
Generosity is foundational to our spiritual practice. To give of ourselves and what we have – we see it as sharing what belongs to everyone – is the most basic way to experience freedom. By giving we let go of clinging and open our hearts to compassion for and connection to ourselves and others.
Please give so Aryaloka can continue to pass it on. Thank you for your generosity!
Donate Online:
Generosity offers a path from daily confusion, grasping and suffering to a life of joy and freedom. Your gift contributes to the well-being of others.
Online donations using a credit card, checks (through ACH, requires checking account number and bank routing number) or PayPal account can be made by clicking the button below.
Donate by Check or by Credit Card (offline):
Make checks payable to: Aryaloka Buddhist Center 14 Heartwood Circle Newmarket, NH 03857 or phone us at 603-659-5456.
Aryaloka Buddhist Center, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are fully tax-deductible.
Join our Mandala of Supporting Friends with a Regular Pledge:
Aryaloka depends on monthly pledges as our most stable and predictable source of income. By joining our Mandala of Supporting Friends, you support teaching, retreats and a vibrant, supportive sangha. Your monthly gift is an act of compassion for the world, needed now more than ever. Give the gift of freedom!
Make a monthly pledge to Aryaloka today. You can ask your bank to send us a payment each month or authorize Aryaloka to charge your credit card each month. You can pledge online by clicking below, email us at or call the Aryaloka office to make arrangements by phone.
Pledge Online Today:
Online donations using a credit card, checks (through ACH, requires checking account number and bank routing number) or PayPal account can be made by clicking the button below.
(Please be sure to check the "make this a monthly donation" box in Paypal)
“I give to Aryaloka because it matters. . . giving to the center strengthens my commitment to the place and to the seriousness with which I practice.” – David Watt
“I give to Aryaloka, because I am so grateful for all I have received. The donation is a small way to give back to a place that has been a refuge and a place of joy for me.” – Deb Howard
“I found beauty, peace and joy. So that others may travel this path, I give what I can.” – Dayalocana
“My generosity is propelled by the enormous gratitude I have for the existence of Aryaloka. . . How could I not give all I can to express my gratitude and to ensure that the Buddha’s teachings are studied, practiced and realized right here, right now? That would be impossible!” – Lilasiddhi
“Aryaloka gives to me so much more than I could repay in a thousand million lifetimes.” – Dharmasukta
“I give to match the generosity of and the gratitude for those who have come before me, walk beside me and who will follow me. I give because others have given so much, and because I want to know the freedom of letting go.” – Saddhavasini