Lona Kovacs to be Ordained this Summer

Farewell to Lona, who is leaving this week for a three month ordination retreat at Akashavana in the mountains of Spain! Lona will be ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order along with 17 other women.

Organizing one’s life to be away for three months is quite a feat, and she could only do it because of the generosity of friends and family. Thanks to all who have supported her in this journey!

Ordination is a deeply meaningful initiation in one’s spiritual life. It signifies a vital commitment to transforming oneself on the Buddhist Path, and an entrance into a community of support with others who are giving expression to the same ideals.

She’ll be returning to us in late July (with a new name!) to resume her work at Aryaloka as kitchen manager and volunteer coordinator.

Join us in wishing her health, safety and inspiration on her mythic journey!

Lona at the Chalice Well