Dharmasukta's Thoughts on Giving

Thanks to the generous support of many Sangha members, Aryaloka offers the Dharma freely to all who come to our center – virtually or in person. Some 100 Sangha members currently pledge their regular support to Aryaloka. Will you join them?

Will you pledge your support and become part of the Mandala of Supporting Friends?

Their generosity is fueled by many reasons. Dharmasukta, one order member, offers his reasons for giving:

First and foremost, even if I were independently wealthy, I could not repay Aryaloka for what I have been given – the three most precious jewels – the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. What these jewels have given me is immeasurable and invaluable. The transformation brought about by being part of this community has brought me to a place of connection and equanimity with the world. I have learned to change my relationship to the circumstances of life and with suffering that has resulted in more kindness and compassion, less anger and frustration . . . something I cannot put a price on.
I also give, because by engaging in the practice of generosity, I am loosening the grip that craving has on my life. Since the primary cause of suffering is craving, by giving, I get back a significant reduction of suffering.
Thank you for any support you can give to Aryaloka. May all blessings be yours.

Please join our Mandala of Supporting Friends by pledging your support by clicking here, or sending your check to Aryaloka 14 Heartwood Circle, Newmarket NH 03857. Pledge monthly or offer a one-time gift.

If you already have given or pledged, THANK YOU.

With metta and appreciation,
Aryaloka Center Manager