Be a Part of Aryaloka's Mandala of Supporting Friends!
“...everyone present gives to create an effective environment for Dharma practice and the development of spiritual community at Aryaloka — we’re all here because we care about each other, we care about Aryaloka, and we care about everyone who hasn’t yet walked through the doors. We care about those who will walk through the doors after we have passed.” excerpt from a recent talk by Suddhayu
It is a joy to see the new life of spring emerging in Aryaloka’s gardens, forest and river; it is a joy to welcome our sangha back to in-person gatherings, workshops and retreats!
With the spring comes Aryaloka’s annual pledge drive. Thanks to the generosity of people like you, giving in the pledge drive was again strong in 2021 with more than $40,000 in gifts from nearly 100 donors. If you have pledged or given your support, thank you! We can only do this with your help.
We had a challenging start to 2022 as Covid infection rates spiked and Aryaloka closed again for two months — this resulted in the cancellation or postponement of several events. We lost $14,000 in revenue in the first quarter. In 2020 and 2021 Aryaloka received $20K in grants through the Payroll Protection Program to help us through such low income months, though that funding is no longer available.
As we move to in-person events, attendance is not as high as we would like, which makes regular pledge support even more important to cover shortfalls and keep Aryaloka buoyant during these uncertain times.
Can we count on your support again this year?
Would you consider making a regular monthly pledge?
Click here to join the Mandala of Supporting Friends!
In addition to the pledge drive, Aryaloka will participate in NH Gives June 7-8 again this year. This has been a growing source of support for Aryaloka, last year having raised more than $7,000 in 24 hours – a big boost to Aryaloka’s budget! We hope we can count on your support again in this special appeal.
We were quite fortunate in 2020 with our best record of support in the pledge drive, NH Gives, Giving Tuesday and the year-end appeal. Giving was still high in 2021 but dropped slightly.
The really good news is that we now have an increased base of donors who pledge monthly and give to special campaigns regularly. This makes planning the Center’s budget much more predictable and manageable. Since 2020 we have also received two sizable bequests that provide us with some additional security and funding for center renovations and future initiatives.
Whether your monthly pledge is $5, $50 or $150, it will make a huge difference!
Make or increase your pledge here.
Thank you for your support!
Center Manager