A Mass for Peace Choral Performance
Our own Betsy Cadbury invites you to:
The Choir of the Community Church presents "The Armed Man (A Mass for Peace)" by Welsh composer Karl Jenkins. This compelling call for peace premiered in 2000 with the optimistic hope of farewelling the war-torn 20th century. Jenkins takes as his point of departure the 15th century French folksong l'homme arme (The Armed Man), used in masses by many Renaissance composers, mixing it with traditional Catholic mass sections, a Muslim call to prayer, a text from the Mahabharata and musical settings of poetry by Kipling, Dryden, Malory, and Japanese poet Sankichi (reflecting on Hiroshima). Our offering--directed by Durham's own David Ervin--is musical prayer for a world shaped by compassion and hope, turning from violence toward a future worthy of our many children!
March 9th or 10th at 7pm. Community Church of Durham, Durham NH