Thank You Karunashanti
We are grateful to Karunashanti who left Aryaloka a generous bequest at the end of 2020. The photo above is from his ordination in 2019. Karunashanti visited Aryaloka on several ocassions to attend retreats in preparation to be ordained. The Board has put his bequest aside and will earmark it for a special project.
His Public Preceptor Viradhamma has this to say of him: "Karunashanti was an incredibly kind and generous person who was involved with the Seattle Triratna Center starting in 1994 when he was known as Dan Roberts. In 2013 he traveled to India as part of a DharmaJiva tour and was inspired by the people working to revive Buddhism there. After his return he planned to train as an ESL teacher so that he could return to India and work at Triratna’s Nagaloka Center. Sadly he became ill with cancer and was unable to follow through on that dream, but he committed himself to deepening his Dharma practice and in May 2019 he was ordained by Shantinayaka and Viradhamma at Dharmadhara. His Order Name means “He whose peace is through compassion.”
Thank you Karunashanti.