Welcome to our Newest Mitra, Martha!

Martha Stolzer of Portsmouth became a mitra this past week during Aryaloka’s Sangha Night. I was delighted to conduct the ceremony with Aryaloka’s and Martha’s friends and family present.

Martha has been coming around to Aryaloka for more than two decades. I first remember meeting her at a retreat with Maitreyabandhu in 2018. She came to Aryaloka seeking spiritual refuge from her life struggles, attending classes and retreats. At the start of the pandemic, she dived more deeply into the Dharma, attending Sangha Night regularly online. After attending a day on spiritual friendship and witnessing another mitra ceremony recently, she decided to declare her wish to live and practice Buddhism as part of our Sangha.

Please join me in welcoming our newest mitra. You can reach her at mgstolzer@gmail.com,

With metta and mudita,

Martha and Saddhavasini

Martha and Saddhavasini