Welcome to Saddhavasini as Women's Mitra Convener!
Hello Aryaloka friends,
On behalf of the Aryaloka Spiritual Vitality Council I’m happy to announce that Saddhavasini will be the new women's mitra convenor for Aryaloka Buddhist Center. Saddhavasini will chair a mitra convening team that will support and guide women mitras associated with Aryaloka. The team includes Saddhavasini, Khemavassika, Kamalasiri and myself.
Saddhavasini was ordained in 2018 in Spain and has a great depth of experience working in communication and with teams of people. We know her as the editor of the Vajra Bell, and we are delighted that she is taking up this new area of service to our sangha.
Mitras are friends and fellow practitioners in the Triratna Buddhist Community who have made a choice to take their study of the Dharma and their practice of Buddhist ethics and meditation to a deeper level. Mitras make a declaration of this intention in a simple ceremony among friends and Order Members at their local or main Center. Mitra convenors connected with each Center around the Triratna world offer spiritual friendship to mitras and help ensure opportunities for deepening study and practice.
With Saddhavasini, team members will share the responsibility of connecting with and supporting mitras and women interested in becoming mitras, offering mitra study classes, planning order/mitra events, conducting mitra ceremonies and other activities.
Please feel free to be in touch with anyone on the team if you have questions, concerns or suggestions about how we can best support you in your Dharma practice and spiritual friendships.
With metta,
Amala, Chair
Spiritual Vitality Council at Aryaloka Buddhist Center

Dh. Saddhavasini