Calling All Artists from the Aryaloka Community!

Calling all ARTISTS from the Aryaloka Community!

It is time for a new Aryaloka T-shirt, and the ‘T-shirt kula’ is looking for sangha artists to submit their best creations!
Here are the details:

  • The official Aryaloka logo will be on the front (4” X 4”) and the chosen design will either be on the front or the back.
  • The finished size of the design will be 12 X 12. If yours is smaller, keep in mind how it will look enlarged.
  • Your submission can be either a drawing or sent digitally: If drawn, ink line drawing only, no pencil lines.
  • Design may be a black line drawing, or up to 2 colors (one color plus black or 2 colors of your choice); solid color only, sorry: no shading

Please direct any questions to anyone on the T-shirt kula (see below)!
All submissions can go to Kamalasiri at
Note: multiple submissions are fine!

Deadline for submissions is October 31, 2023.

The kula, along with The Aryaloka Board, will be making the final decision. The chosen artist will be awarded a weekend retreat of their choice and a T-shirt, of course!

We look forward to seeing your designs!
With metta,
Roddy Cole
Lois Sans