Center Update from Suddhayu

By giving one unites friends.
— Samyutta Nikaya I.215

As new life springs from the gardens and woodlands at Aryaloka, we are seeing new life in our Sangha as we emerge from the pandemic. With the spring comes Aryaloka’s annual pledge drive. I wanted to thank you for your support and give you an update on what’s been happening at the center.

Generosity continues
Thanks to the generosity of people like you, giving in the pledge drive was again strong in 2022, having increased by nearly 50 percent over the previous year. We hope to continue and even increase that level of support through regular monthly donations.

Full schedule and strong participation
Aryaloka is again running a full schedule of workshops and retreats, many of which are now hybrid. Zoom allows participation for many people who are geographically distant or at-risk with their health to connect regularly with Aryaloka's programs. Tuesday evenings are particularly energetic with many participants in-person and on Zoom. Our introductory meditation courses usually are fully booked with a waiting list.

Visiting Order Members
This year Singhashri and Paramananda will visit from the UK! Singhashri will lead a retreat with Vimalamoksha from the San Francisco sangha July 27-30 called “Safe and Sound: Exploring the Roots of Just Sitting Practice.” Paramananda, author of Change Your Mind and The Myth of Meditation, will lead a retreat September 8-15 called “The Alchemical Heart.”

Our Sangha grows
Dhammarati, Aryaloka's President, will be here in September and October. During his stay, two men will be ordained at Aryaloka (public ordination October 1st). Congratulations to Frank Gladu and Mark Ludak! Meanwhile, Deb Seavey is being ordained in Spain this spring, and Maryellen Burke will be ordained in Mexico this fall!

Becoming Greener
Our Board is actively investigating options for solar power, improved air circulation and heat pumps in order to cut down on our reliance on fossil fuels and cut our energy costs. Stay tuned for exciting developments!

Your support sustains Aryaloka
As a non-profit grassroots retreat center, Aryaloka relies on donations to fund our facility, staff and programs. Like everyone else, we have seen increases in utility, supplies and food costs. We have kept our 2023 fees the same as last year, trusting that this, along with our sliding scale, will make it easier for everyone to continue to participate. Your donation is needed for our mission to work.

Can we count on your support again this year? Would you consider making a regular monthly pledge? Whether your monthly pledge is $5, $50 or $150, it will make a huge difference!

Thank you for your support and generosity, and I hope to see you at the center soon!

With metta,
Aryaloka Center Manager

You can give by clicking here or mail a check to:
Aryaloka Buddhist Center
14 Heartwood Circle
Newmarket, NH 03857