Volunteer Profile: Meet Lois!
Lois Sans came to Aryaloka Buddhist Center (ABC) around the year 2000 for her first meditation class. Over the next ten years, she occasionally attended ABC workshops, retreats, and Friend's Night. In 2011, she yearned to see herself more clearly, and, in response, made a commitment to Buddhism and became a Triratna Mitra.
Lois was content being a Mitra and had no intention to request consideration by the Triratna Order for ordination. However, in the midst of a discussion at an ABC retreat in 2022, something shifted within her, and she realized that in order to go deeper into her practice, there was no viable alternative other than to request such consideration. As a result, Lois has begun her training for ordination.
For twenty years, the book that has remained on her nightstand is the Dhammapada. Lois loves the simplicity and beauty of each phrase and believes that it has sustained her for many years.
Much has inspired Lois in her practice. Recently, several Triratna Order Members have inspired her greatly by their words and actions, helping her see how far she has come and how much farther she can continue on the path to becoming a better person. Reciting the precepts every morning after her meditation also inspires her to live every day with conscious intention.
Upon becoming a Mitra, Lois began volunteering for the ABC Shrine Kula, which she now leads. She also has volunteered for the ABC Contemplative Arts Kula and currently volunteers for the ABC Kitchen Kula. She also volunteers outside of the Buddhist community for the New Hampshire Food Bank Kitchen and for the Red Cross, as well as for her neighbors and for activities in her town. Helping out with whatever is needed has always been an integral part of her life, and now this has taken a deeper meaning for her. (Thanks to Ed Buice for writing this profile)

Lois Sans