The Passing of Kavyadrishti: Memorial Update

Update: You can join Kavyadrishti's memorial service on Zoom by clicking here, Dec 4th, 2pm.

I am writing in memory of my friend, Kavyadrishti, who died on November 4, 2021, at the age of 86. She first came to Aryaloka in 1989 and was ordained in 2012 into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Her Preceptor, Karunadevi, gave her the name Kavyadrishti, Sanskrit words meaning she who has the vision of a sage or poet.

Kavyadrishti was a thoughtful and kind friend. She made her famous strawberry pie for my birthday, often sent me pictures of flowers and shared her amazing poems and writings. She invited friends to her home for discussion and viewing videos of Buddhist topics, concerts and social issues. And, of course, there was The Pie.

I knew her to give generously of her time and care, supporting those who were ill, corresponding with men in prisons and sending them Dharma books. And always, she cut flowers from Aryaloka gardens and shrubs to express her reverence and to honor the Buddha on the shrine at the top of the dome.

Over the years I had the pleasure of experiencing Kavyadrishti’s delight, joy and determination as she lovingly cared for the Aryaloka flower gardens. I cannot count the times she would greet me at the entrance to Aryaloka with excitement in her voice, asking that I come to see a new flower she just could not resist planting. As someone said, “in a way she will always be present there.”

And then there was her remarkable ability with words. She gave us poems that touched us deeply with their sensitivity, beauty and wisdom. Her devotional writings and stories reflect her strong connections with Buddhist teachings and practices.

Kavyadrishti leaves us with gratitude for her gifts to us: the beauty of the flowers, the depth of her poetry, her generosity. She leaves us with appreciation for her caring and friendship. We send her our love and wishes for peace.


Pictured: Dayalocana and Kavyadrishti enjoying ice cream at a recent birthday

Kavyadrishti and Dayalocana