Aryaloka News

You Can Help in India — The Launch of Karuna USA

A woman in India covers her face during the coronavirus pandemic

Dear friend in the sangha,

As we know the situation in India is truly desperate. 

This second wave of Covid-19 is spreading like fire. Even the most conservative estimates report over 230,000 people have died, and 4,000 more deaths each day. Health facilities are overwhelmed. Night curfews and local lockdowns are paralysing many states, with devastating consequences for the most poor. It is the most vulnerable and marginalised people who suffer the most; not just from Covid itself but through the lack of access to income, food and sanitation that the crisis makes worse. Nepal is also seeing a deadly wave of Covid-19 hit and this is expected to be devastating.

A Future Dharma Grant Purchases Air Purifiers

new air purifiers

We are very fortunate to have received a generous grant from Future Dharma Fund to purchase air purifiers for the center! We purchased twelve purifiers to clean the air in common areas of the center. This will allow for a safer transition to in-person events, and cleaner air in the center generally. Thank you Future Dharma! Please consider making a donation to the Future Dharma Fund here

Thank You Karunashanti

Karunashanti's Ordination

We are grateful to Karunashanti who left Aryaloka a generous bequest at the end of 2020. The photo above is from his ordination in 2019. Karunashanti visited Aryaloka on several ocassions to attend retreats in preparation to be ordained. The Board has put his bequest aside and will earmark it for a special project.

A letter from Amala as we approach the one-year anniversary of shutdown

the aryaloka shrine room

Dear Sangha Friends, 

As Gunopeta, a friend in downeast Maine recently said, ‘The sap is rising’. What encouraging words to hear at this not-yet-warm time of year! The winter will turn to spring. The days are longer already, with more than 11 hours from sunrise to sunset. And the equinox is in a mere 2 weeks! 

In short, we’ve made it. We are just about through the winter. I hope that you have come this far unscathed. And I’m happy to share that Aryaloka has done just that. 

As you know, the Center remains closed for classes and retreats. However it is not abandoned by any means. I asked Roddy Cole and Paul Dupre, who are at the Center regularly, to share a few of the things they have been doing and noticing at Aryaloka over the many months of closure. 

Roddy, who cares for the plants at Aryaloka, writes: