Update: You can join Kavyadrishti's memorial service on Zoom by clicking here, Dec 4th, 2pm.
I am writing in memory of my friend, Kavyadrishti, who died on November 4, 2021, at the age of 86. She first came to Aryaloka in 1989 and was ordained in 2012 into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Her Preceptor, Karunadevi, gave her the name Kavyadrishti, Sanskrit words meaning she who has the vision of a sage or poet.
I am pleased to announce that Denise Martin of Vermont USA had her Public Ordination at Aryaloka Retreat Center in New Hampshire on Saturday, October 9, 2021, after a small 8 day retreat.
She becomes Shantimukta, “She who is freed through peace.”
Her private preceptor is Sunada and her public is Karunadevi.
Sanskrit Pronunciation:
The ś as in “sharp”
Each ā as in “father”
The i is short as in “hit”
The u is short as in “put”
This is the last of 5 ordinations that have taken place in the USA since April.