
Lilasiddhi’s Sanskrit name translates as “spiritual and mundane accomplishments through play.” To her, it means she takes her practice and commitment very seriously, but herself lightly, she hopes. Currently she provides caregiver service,  and is working with the Bardos in preparation for Aging, Sickness and Death, using the Dhyanas, Anapanasati and Satipatthana meditations.


Rijupatha took his first meditation class at Aryaloka in 2004 and his heart never left. He was ordained in September of 2014 and given his name, which means “He who walks the upright path.” He strives to live up to his name in every moment. In his everyday life Rijupatha is an artist and designer currently working for an educational publisher in Portsmouth, but his best job is being Dad to two amazing girls, and a "bonus Dad" to three other crazy fun kiddos, alongside his wonderful partner.


Saddhavasini has been meditating for more than 40 years and first came to Aryaloka in 2009. She became a mitra and asked for ordination that first year and was ordained in 2018 at Akashavana in Spain. Her name means “she who dwells in trust and confidence.” She co-facilitates mitra study at Aryaloka and Nagaloka Buddhist centers. A retired nonprofit consultant and writer/editor, she is editor of the Vajra Bell, a Triratna publication based in the U.S. and Canada.


Sravaniya was ordained in 2003, having first encountered meditation and the FWBO (later the Triratna Buddhist Community) in the UK in 1978. His name, inspired by an episode in the biography of Milarepa, means “Delightful to listen to” or “Worthy of being heard.” Sravaniya works as a professional orchestral conductor and violinist, and co-facilitates the Boston Triratna group.


Sunada was ordained in 2004 and given her name which means “beautiful, excellent sounding”. It’s a reflection not only of her love of music, but also of spreading the beautiful teachings of the dharma. In addition to offering events at Aryaloka, she also co-leads the Boston Sangha, which meets in Arlington MA. She is a Certified Instructor of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction and teaches public classes in the Boston area, and also coaches individual clients in living more mindful, purposeful lives (see also


Surakshita came to Aryaloka in 1988 and found his Buddhist home. In 1998 he was ordained by Subhuti. His name means “Well protected by the Buddha.” Surakshita is married to Susan and has two sons who are married to beautiful women and four grandchildren who are the best! Susan and he are retired and thoroughly enjoying it.


Vidhuma’s name is a Pali expression that translates into “No impurities” or “No obscurations.” Historically it was an epithet sometimes used to describe the Buddha’s dedicated followers. He was ordained in 1997, after first coming into contact with Aryaloka eight years earlier.


Viriyalila, whose name means “playful, spontaneous, creative energy in pursuit of the Good,” has been meditating and practicing Buddhism since 1994. Ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2005, she has a passion for collaborative organizational teamwork and has served on a variety of councils at local, national and international levels including Aryaloka and Portsmouth Buddhist Centers. She has a passion for the arts, Buddhist rituals, and Dharma study along with her livelihood as an Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist.


I grew up in Hamilton, Scotland in the 1950s and 60s. In my teenage years I was looking for, well, ‘something,’ and visited everything from Anarchists to Zoroastrians. I visited the FWBO Glasgow centre in 1973, and it turned out that what I was looking for was the Dharma. I moved into the Glasgow community almost immediately. I was Ordained by Bhante in the summer of 1976 In 1980, I moved to the recently opened London Buddhist Centre, to work in Windhorse Associates, the Movement’s design right livelihood.


Dh. Singhaśūrī (Lona Kovacs) has been involved in the Triratna Buddhist Order, Aryaloka and Portsmouth Buddhist Center Sangha’s since 2001. She was ordained in 2022 at Akashavana Retreat Center, on a 3-month ordination retreat in the mountains of Spain. She has been a yoga and meditation practitioner for over 30 years and on the teaching team for yoga and meditation retreats at Aryaloka since 2001. She owned and operated a School of Ashtanga Yoga for 6 years in NH.