There will be a Celebration of Life for Francesca Latawiec at Aryaloka Buddhist Center at 1:00 on Sunday, October 29, 2023. Francesca lived in Exeter, NH and died unexpectedly at home on Oct. 1, 2022. She was a devoted member of the Aryaloka sangha and became a mitra in 2020.
We're so pleased to announce that two men were privately ordained at Aryaloka on Wednesday 27th October and publicly ordained on Sunday 1st October. The ordinations took place within the context of a ten-day Going for Refuge retreat that was preceded by a six-day pre-ordination retreat with the ordinands and Private Preceptors. Our new installment that houses the Dakini rupa was used as the ordination khuti. The khuti is a secret place so we can't show any photos of how it was prepared, but we can tell you that it was a transformed and magical space.
Calling all ARTISTS from the Aryaloka Community!
It is time for a new Aryaloka T-shirt, and the ‘T-shirt kula’ is looking for sangha artists to submit their best creations!
Here are the details:
Under The Trees: A Joint Exhibition by Victoria and Lawrence Elbroch
Ink Drawings, Etchings and Prints
Opening Reception Sunday October 15, 3 - 5pm
On view from October 15 to November 19 Tuesday evenings 5-6:30pm; all other hours by appointment