Center Update from Suddhayu

By giving one unites friends.
— Samyutta Nikaya I.215

As new life springs from the gardens and woodlands at Aryaloka, we are seeing new life in our Sangha as we emerge from the pandemic. With the spring comes Aryaloka’s annual pledge drive. I wanted to thank you for your support and give you an update on what’s been happening at the center.

Kiranada's Exhibition Closing Soon

Art From a Thousand Days Exhibition will be closing on Sunday June 4th. If you have been unable to see this special show of 23 pieces of art created on a three-year solitary retreat, come by the center on Sunday June 4th between 1:30 and 3:30 for a last view. Kiranada will be there to share some of the inspiration that went into these quilts, watercolors and giglee prints on canvas. 'One-Thousand Days' is also open through May on Tuesday evenings from 5 - 6:45 pm and by appointment.

Annual Pledge Drive and NH Gives

Aryaloka's Annual Spring Pledge Drive
Be a Part of the Mandala of Supporting Friends

As members of the Aryaloka Sangha, we give to one another in so many ways — we gather together to practice Dharma, share in friendship, enjoy the arts and volunteer with everyday tasks. Many of us also give to the center with a monthly donation.