The Installation of the Dakini Rupa on the Men's Retreat

On July 14 to 16 Aryaloka hosted the Freedom Beyond Fear men's weekend retreat. On Saturday afternoon, the rupa (the form; a statue) was installed with many hands working together. Although the origin and age of the rupa is unknown, Neil Harvey rescued her and several other rupas many years ago from a liquidation warehouse; he then donated the rupas to Aryaloka where they are now back in a context of Dharma practice.

Double your generosity with NH Gives June 6-7, 5pm to 5pm!

Double your generosity with NH Gives June 6-7!

Generosity is a central practice in the Buddhist path of transformation. You have the opportunity to double your generosity by being part of NH Gives, a 24-hour giving window for NH nonprofits, starting today (June 6) at 5 pm.

Three Sangha members are each putting up each $1,000 to match your donations! An anonymous donor is putting up the first match. And order members Cittavan and Saddhavasini will be the second and third matches.