Betsy Cadbury was a meditator in a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) class when she learned of Aryaloka Buddhist Center (ABC) from a fellow meditator. She registered for a ten-day ABC Noble Silence retreat in 2012. She became a Triratna Mitra in February 2016 and requested consideration for ordination in the Triratna Order in August 2017. She attended a retreat at Brockton, Ontario with Thích Nhất Hạnh in 2018 and has attended several Noble Silence retreats and other retreats and workshops at ABC.
We're sorry to hear of the death of Nina Jordan. Nina was a participant at Aryaloka for many years, especially in the earlier 2000's. You can read her obituary here. Many blessing to Nina and her friends and family.
When Roddy Cole first visited Aryaloka Buddhist Center (ABC) in 2015, she knew that something shifted inside of her, but it was hard to define because she wasn’t sure what she was searching for or even clear what her questions might be. But that first visit was like a balm, and she continued to return to ABC on Tuesday evenings and participated in several ABC retreats. She became a Triratna Mitra in January 2017. She loved her first year of mitra studies and looked forward to going deeper into Dharma study with the women’s mitra group.